Monday, June 7, 2010

Rooney best striker in the world :Howard

Wayne Rooney as the best striker in the world but believes that USA's own forwards can trouble England in their FIFA World Cup.He has immense respect for the 24-year-old who is pivotal to England's hopes of doing themselves justice in South Africa during the next month.Howard said: "I get asked if I am looking forward to facing Wayne Rooney. I don't think I ever look forward to facing Wayne Rooney."He is the best striker in the world and has enjoyed a fantastic season. He is a fantastic player, so I'll be very careful what I say! But we also have Edson and Robbie who are playing fantastic together, individuallly and collectively, with the way they are linking up.Howard said: "I am devastated for Rio as I am sure most of his team-mates and his friends are. I don't know how it will affect the team but I think they are all very strong characters. As the week goes on, I am sure they will be fully prepared for the game ahead."He said: "I saw an improvement from the Czech game, I saw an improvement to the Turkey game and again in the Australia game. I think it is still a work in progress and we are trying to get better.

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